Collection: Hissing Cockroaches

Hissing cockroaches are large, wingless cockroaches native to Madagascar. They are named for the distinctive hissing sound they produce by forcing air through small openings (spiracles) on their bodies. This hissing is used for communication, mating, and as a defense mechanism to startle predators.

Hissing cockroaches can grow up to 2–4 inches (5–10 cm) long and typically live 2–5 years in captivity. They're omnivorous, meaning they eat decaying plant material, fruits, and vegetables. They're found on the forest floors feeding on decomposing organic matter and they give birth to live young (nymphs) rather than laying eggs. 

Because of their docile nature, they are often kept as pets or used in educational demonstrations. Unlike common household cockroaches, they do not infest homes or spread diseases.

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