Collection: Dubia Roaches

Dubia Roaches

Dubia roaches, scientifically classified as Blaptica dubia, are a species of cockroach native to the tropical regions of Central and South America. Unlike their more notorious relatives, such as the German cockroach, dubia roaches are neither pests nor vectors for disease. Instead, they have garnered attention as a popular feeder insect in the exotic pet community due to their nutritional value and ease of care.

One of the primary reasons for the popularity of dubia roaches is their exceptional nutritional profile. These insects are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a highly nutritious food source for a variety of reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates kept in captivity. Moreover, dubia roaches have a favorable meat-to-shell ratio, meaning they offer more edible content compared to other feeder insects like crickets or mealworms, providing optimal nutrition for pets.

Beyond their nutritional benefits, dubia roaches are renowned for their ease of maintenance and breeding. They thrive in warm, humid environments, and with minimal care requirements, they can quickly reproduce, providing a sustainable food source for terrarium inhabitants. Additionally, dubia roaches are relatively docile and do not possess the ability to fly or jump, making them easy to handle and less likely to escape from their enclosure compared to other feeder insects. Overall, dubia roaches have earned their place as a staple feeder insect in the terrarium community, offering pet owners a convenient, nutritious, and environmentally friendly option for feeding their exotic companions.

7 products
  • Small Dubia Roaches (1/8" to 1/4") - Free Shipping
    Small Dubia Roaches (1/8
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  • Medium Dubia Roaches (1/4" to 3/4") - Free Shipping
    Medium Dubia Roaches (1/4
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  • Large Dubia Roaches (3/4" to 1"+) - Free Shipping
    Large Dubia Roaches (3/4
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  • Breeder Starter Colony (Various Options) - Free Shipping
    Breeder Starter Colony (Various Options) - Free Shipping
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  • Adult Male Dubia Roaches 1.5" - 2"+ Free Shipping
    Adult Male Dubia Roaches
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  • Dried Dubia Roaches - Large (3/4" to 1"+) - Free Shipping
    Dried Dubia Roaches - Large (3/4
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  • 100% Dubia Powder Reptile Nutritional Supplement - Free Shipping
    Jar of Dubia Roach Powder
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